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Having a safe may seem like a thing of the past or something out of a blockbuster movie, but there is more to safes than you may know. Here are 5 things that you may not have known about safes.
If you are storing a safe within your home or office that contains important documents or objects that you do not wish to lose in the event of a fire, then it is wise to review safes that have a fire-resistance rating.
In the event of a fire, your valuables will be protected, and more prone to being recovered with little to no damage depending on the circumstances.
There is a common misconception that only people with highly valuable objects and massive mansions need to own a safe, but this is far from the truth. In fact, anyone can and should have a safe in most circumstances.
Keeping your personal belongings such as passports, birth and marriage certificates, family heirlooms and other valuable objects within a safe is a good way to ensure they are all within a central location, while not being easy for just anyone to get access to, (along with ensuring they will not become lost).
There are a variety of safes that you can purchase, with a large number being ideal for home use or on the road. Not all safes are designed to be large and heavy, with some of the most common being quite practical for everyday use.
You might have a small safe to store your most treasured jewellery or even your car keys. For example, did you know that would-be thieves may have technology that can copy the coded signal that your key FOB sends to unlock your car, making it easy for them to steal your vehicle without even entering your home? Keeping your key FOB within a safe will obstruct this signal from potentially being accessed and copied, ensuring your vehicle remains where it should.
Having a key safe to house spare keys can be quite handy, and a wiser alternative to the classic method of hiding a key under your doormat or a rock. Using a key safe not only ensures that your keys will not be accidentally picked up or lost, but also that only people who have knowledge of the combination will be able to access the spare keys as required. This is a perfect way to ensure you always have access to your premises such as a holiday home or Airbnb rental property.
Ensuring that your safe is secured to a non-moving area of your home or office is vital. Most safes will feature a way for you to bolt it down into your floor, in a cupboard, or on a wall, ensuring that it cannot be moved or taken by anyone.
It is also a good idea to review your lock options, as safes these days can come with a classic dial combination lock, a numbered keypad, or even biometric access capabilities.
Not all safes are made equal or have the same features, some will not feature a backup way to access the safe if you forget the combination or access code. So, it is wise to speak to a professional when you are considering purchasing a safe to ensure you pick the correct solution based on your needs.
Lock, Stock & Barrel Locksmiths are family-owned & operated, fully licensed, with over 25 years in the business, so please be sure to reach out to our friendly and expert team for all your safe needs and questions. Or, you can also check out some of the safes we recommend here on our website’s lock shop.