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Traditionally, a New Year is a time for holidays, resolutions, and new beginnings. Here are just some of the ways that our friendly and expert team can help you into the New Year and beyond.
Protect Your Home While You’re Away
Summer holidays are something we look forward to all year. If you’re planning on going away, we can help ensure your home is secure. Should you need new keys for a neighbour or a house sitter, we can help with this too. Our professional and friendly service will ensure you can travel with complete peace of mind and enjoy your well-earned break.
Improve Your In-Home Safety
For those holidaying around the home this summer, it’s a great opportunity to look around the house and consider those little jobs you’ve been putting off.
Better still, Lock, Stock and Barrel Locksmiths are open and ready to help. There’s a great sense of satisfaction that comes with finally sorting out that new lockable letterbox for curb appeal or fixing a stiff door lock that’s been causing you grief all year.
Upgrade Your Existing Features
And while you’re relaxing at home – how about an upgrade? With everyone spending more time at home the last few years, it’s a great time to improve your home. Installing a keysafe lock for the front door can mean lost keys are a thing of the past, you’ll never lock yourself out again.
The cost of the upgrade will pay for itself when you don’t have to worry about out of hours callouts or your children losing their keys. Seeing the new locking system installed creates such a sense of satisfaction and comfort, as well as ticking off one of those jobs you’ve been meaning to get to.
Save Money!
One New Year’s resolution most people have is to save money. Did you know that many insurance providers will give you a better premium on home contents insurance if you install locks on all your windows?
It really pays to spend a few minutes walking around your home and checking whether your windows are secured – particularly if you’ve completed any renovations during the year.
Lock, Stock and Barrel Locksmiths wishes you a wonderful New Year full of relaxation, enjoyment in your home and peace of mind when travelling.