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One of the most popular lighting and security options available for the modern home is the sensor light. Using simple yet effective technology, sensor lights can be programmed to turn on automatically when a person motions pass the sensor. While many people praise the sensor lights as convenient, modern ingenuity, others find themselves bothered by the persistent light switching on out of their control. Whether you are renovating your current lighting and security or building a lighting plan from scratch, we have broken down the pros and cons of implementing sensor lights into your home, helping you decide the best security system for your family home.
As locksmiths, we are highly familiar with the necessities of home security, and the easy methods to deter unwanted visitors away from your property. Sensor lights are highly recommended, especially in your outdoor gardens, to prevent people or large animals approaching your home during the night, giving you peace of mind as you sleep, or when you’re away from the house.
Despite the level of convenience that the pre-set sensor lights give you, the lack of flexibility can lead to some frustrations, especially during times when you don’t need the lights. Occasions may be in the middle of the night when you don’t want to wake up your neighbours, or your sleeping loved ones, with unnecessary light in specific rooms or areas.
The sensor light design is unique. Once the programming of your sensor lights into your home’s lighting grid is fully integrated, you no longer need to use the light switches or activate a lighting sequence every day. With the help of security experts, such as Lock, Stock & Barrel Locksmiths, and an electrician, you can easily plan your sensor light program once and never have to think about it again.
Sensor lights undergo a lot of activity, turning on and off numerous times a day or night. Such frequent on/off activity can thus place a strain on the bulb and require it to be replaced more often than a regular non-sensor light. This is both an additional cost and maintenance duty for the homeowner.
More than ever, it’s crucial for households to be mindful and proactively conserving their power consumption, for environmental factors and their ability to save on skyrocketing electricity bills. Especially in large houses, or homes where multiple people live, sensor lights are ideal for minimising power usage once the room is empty.
Along with your professionally installed locks, floor safes and access control systems, sensor lights provide the perfect addition to your automated security, giving you secure peace of mind. Especially with the combination of security cameras and alike features, sensor lights give your home additional security measures that help your other security technology work better.
Upgrading your home security is essential, and utilising the guidance of a locksmith will ensure you have the best, up to date advice on keeping your home safe. Contact us on 0411 700 072 to discuss your home’s needs now!