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You wouldn’t let an unqualified mechanic work on your car. You wouldn’t let an unlicensed medical professional or legal professional treat you or represent you. So why would you put the safety of yourself and your family in the hands of an unlicensed security provider?
With the alarming rise in home security scams across Australia, we felt it mandatory to reiterate just how important it is to ensure your chosen home security provider or locksmith is.
While the state to state laws differ somewhat, across the board it is mandatory that all locksmiths and security professionals hold a Security Installers License. Issued by the Licensing and Enforcement Division of your relevant state police, this license ensures that any security system provider or locksmith has passed a thorough background check, police check, any mandatory testing and been put through a rigorous application process.
This process is very important and safeguards you against scammers and unlicensed providers having access to your home, family and belongings. There has been a sharp rise in criminals offering seemingly unbeatable prices in exchange for dodgy “services”, and now it’s more important than ever to do your own thorough check before hiring an individual or business to install your CCTV and alarm system, or to change your locks.
It’s unfortunately no longer possible to take service providers on face value, with the ability for those with nefarious intentions to quickly and easily advertise on online directories with little to no background check needed.
Consumer Protection advises that you complete thorough research while searching for a licensed, qualified local locksmith or security system provider in your city. You should do this by asking for proof of licensing, checking online reviews for providers in your area and collecting a number of quotes from reputable providers before making your decision.
Remember, not only are these unlicensed individuals breaking the law, but they are deliberately tempting consumers looking for a bargain with cheap, questionable prices. By penny-pinching, you could be unwittingly letting a criminal into your home.
To check if your chosen provider holds a valid license, you should contact your local police force first. Certain state law enforcement websites even have current license holders listed on their website. If you believe you have had an unlicensed business complete work within your home or office, please call and report this to your local police force Licensing unit.
Lock Stock & Barrel Locksmiths are the mobile locksmiths you can trust in Sydney’s North Shore. Family owned and operated, we have decades of licensed, qualified experience behind us and offer reliable, efficient and safe lock and home security services you can trust. So if you’re in need of some new locks, security updates or advice then get in touch with us.