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Choosing A Residential Safe

Choosing A Residential Safe

Our home is the most important place in the world, so it makes sense why we do so much to protect it. We install security features, secure locks, fire alarms, good quality windows and doors and so much more to keep our family and possessions safe – as well as to keep the bad guys out!

However, life isn’t always perfect and sometimes crime and accidents can still occur despite the measures we put in place. For this reason, it’s worth having a backup plan in place at home, and one way that you can do this by buying and installing a residential safe.

At Lock, Stock & Barrel Locksmiths we are advocates for home security and safety, so we’ve put together a few reasons why getting a wall or floor safe could be worth your while.

1. Protecting Your Valuables

Keeping your valuables safe at home is so important for peace of mind. You don’t need to have lots of money or valuables to store to make a safe worthwhile, often it’s things like sentimental heirlooms or important documents and photos that are most worth protecting. Smaller items like jewellery are also perfect for keeping in a safe.

A safe is an ideal way to keep your valuables from being damaged or stolen and gives you a place to store any items that you want to keep protected or hidden.

2. Preventing Unauthorised Access

A safe means that only authorised people can access its contents, so if you have things you want to keep away from children or from the prying eyes of others then a safe allows you to do this.

Here in Australia there are instances where you might have the legal documentation to own a firearm or weapon of some kind, so having somewhere to put this is part of your responsibility. A good quality safe will make sure that it never falls into the wrong hands, either accidentally or as part of a theft.

3. Emergency Preparedness

Here in Australia, there are a number of emergency situations that can crop up due to our climate, from bushfires to cyclones, floods and extreme heatwaves. Having a safe can be crucial during emergencies or evacuations. Things like important documents, emergency cash and sentimental items can be readily accessible if you want to grab them and leave. That way you can evacuate without worrying about leaving behind crucial belongings.

Alternatively, you could safely evacuate your home leaving your possessions behind knowing they’re secure and locked up in a safe until you can return to them. The last thing you want is to be worrying that someone had looted your property before you’d returned back to it after an emergency. Some residential safes are designed to withstand high temperatures, providing protection for documents and valuables in case of a fire. These safes offer peace of mind knowing that even in the event of a fire, your important documents and cherished possessions will all remain secure.

4. Safe Maintenance

Keeping your residential safe in good condition is important for its reliability. Regularly check its lock to make sure it works smoothly. Wipe the outside with a soft cloth to keep it clean. Avoid using strong cleaners that could damage it.

Consider getting it professionally inspected for any problems, companies like us here at Lock, Stock & Barrel Locksmiths can do this for you.

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